
Executive coaching for K-12 educators.

Hi. I'm Dr. Jenn Moore.

As an executive coach with 30 years in education, I help educators discover the best in themselves so they can move forward through challenges with confidence and ease, and achieve their goals by helping to nurture their strengths and identify areas of growth.

What is Executive Coaching for Educators?

What it is...

Collaborative coaching style

Explorative process to development

Seeks to develop sustainable skills that can be applied to a broad range of problems or goals

Individualized approach to success and wellness

What is it NOT...

Focused on instructional style

Giving advice

Giving you solutions to pick from

Generic problem solving

How can I help?

One of the unique and valuable qualities I offer is the flexibility to meet your individual and/or organizational needs. I work within your schedule, venue choice, communication preference, and your budget. And every engagement is personalized to your specific needs and goals.

1:1 Coaching

Are you looking for a safe, non-judgmental confidant to help you work through a tricky situation? Or someone to help you navigate the next steps to your success?

Learn how I can help.

Group Coaching Sessions

Not only is group coaching an effective method for conflict resolution and relationship building, it also strengthens the collective wisdom of an organization.

Let me show you how.


As a school consultant, I provide objective assessment, flexible support and custom solutions for everything from improved performance to professional development, crisis management and beyond.

Discover more on my MooreWellBeing website

Don’t miss out on my free coaching guide

with a full description of services, stats and a self-assessment to help you determine if coaching is right for you.

You can be sure, I never share your information and will only contact you periodically regarding my coaching services.

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Here's what my clients say about me.

Dr Jenn has revolutionized my perceptions, practices and philosophy of leadership.  She continually asks me to invest more in myself and my leadership so I can invest in others.  Her work has singlehandedly shifted our focus from the mechanics of school to the RELATIONSHIPS of school.

S. — Chicago

Jenn is so skilled in her questioning that it almost feels like a Jedi mind trick, where you don't see it at the time, but she has just brought you to a deep new understanding of the situation without ever telling you what to do or giving you advice.

A. — Chicago

I have grown tremendously with Jenn Moore. I've seen myself transform as an educator to better support my students, their families, my colleagues and better my personal life. I've learned to communicate with others effectively and to be more open minded in my growth.

L. — Chicago

She has been a very supportive ear for me as a new leader.  She came up with a PD plan that was individualistic and also addressed whole group needs. Any problem I encounter, she has a resource to help and that has really shaped who I am as a leader.

J. — Indiana

Jenn is dynamic, a friend in my corner, and deeply thoughtful. I found her to be incredibly easy to work with, flexible, and dedicated. Her warmth and positivity was contagious. She is authentic and able to sit with uncomfortable thoughts / feelings. Jenn's ability to see me and encourage me to lean into my most authentic self really empowers me.

K. — Seattle

Jenn was very flexible and adaptable and was very in tune with my needs. I have grown tremendously since working with Jenn. I am still on a journey to become better each day, but Jenn has provided me with such a strong foundation to function more efficiently in all areas of my life. If you feel like you need coaching, JUST DO IT!

M. — Chicago

Let's talk...

Discover how executive coaching can work for you on a free 15-minute Complimentary Call.

Need some immediate support? Or a fresh perspective on a situation at work? Let's have a free 30-minute Coaching Session to get things started.